Saturday, July 26, 2008

A note from Mom

I've been working on a Bible study with my sisters-in-law and mother-in-law. We've just finished week two and I'm feeling more engaged in this study than in any other one I've done. I can't really explain it. It has lots of "jumping off" points that lend to really great discussions and conviction.

It ocurred to me that I should try to apply some of the things that I was studying. An interesting idea: a person might actually step out and do some of the things they feel God is telling them to do! I amaze myself with my brilliance sometimes. :-) Last week I pulled out a little plastic case full of index cards and wrote down some quotes and verses that I felt God has specifically spoken to me. I posted them around the house.

This past Thursday night, I did the same thing. This time I found a little surprise. As I was pulling out the cards, I noticed one had kind of fallen down and gotten crumpled under the others. It looked like it had writing on it.

I found this verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything with prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Phil 4:6-7. It was written in my mom's handwriting because the index cards had been hers. None of the other cards were written on. I can't tell you how awesome that was. It was like a note from God passed to me by my mom. I know that particular passage meant a lot to my mom and it really applies to some situations I've been dealing with lately.


Rachel said...

This is just too cool. God is awesome. I love the little reminders of His love for us. Thanks for sharing this!


p.s. I love your new bloggy background. It looks great!

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! You are reminding me of my quest to put more scripture on my walls!
It's funny how God reminds us of those familiar verses when we need them. That verse was particularly meaning to me a couple years ago when our housing and job situation was up in the air. I wrote that verse on an index card too, and put it on the fridge. Every time I felt that creeping anxiety I would choose faith and go stand in front of that verse, give my fears to Him and claim His promise of peace. He was faithful in his provision and my faith increased during that time. Every time I see that verse now, I share what He did for me!