Friday, February 1, 2008

Calling home

Being a stay at home mom (SAHM) in a family with only one vehicle, most days the only social interaction I have besides my children are my phone conversations. I would call Mom pretty much every day. I miss that. The days drag on longer without them.
I've had lots of friends and family volunteer that they would love to have me call and tell them all the little things the kids are doing and I think I'll take them up on it occasionally, but I think I'll also use this blog as my "call home" because I don't think you all want to hear from me as often as I would call my mom.
Things I would have told Mom today:
  • Ethan and Audrey are sick. Their colds are making them clingy and needy. Audrey keeps coughing at night and losing her pacifier. She can't sleep without her pacifier so we make many trips into her room to find it and give it back to her.
  • I lost about 1 1/2 pounds this week! Only about 8 pounds until I reach my goal.
  • Nathan is down another pound.
  • It's cold outside.
  • Audrey can make "fish lips".
Then, I would have tried to put Ethan on the phone, but he would have been too busy. Any attempt to put Audrey on the phone would have resulted in Audrey pushing all the buttons and disconnecting us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I relate to you so much, as I call my mom practically every day to tell her so many similar little things. Please keep posting, and we will keep reading. I hope we can all be there for you as much as possible, even though I know no one will be able to replace your mom.